>>Winzip should be able to take it from there.

> > >>If not, is there any other way I can browse the documentation
> (/usr/doc,
> > .>>/usr/man, /usr/info) for debian while not actually at a PC with
> debian
> >>> running? Is it available on the web?
        >>hmm well... with dwww there is an entire web interface to
        >>I don't know if anyone has dww publicly available for

        I got  a little trick you can try. If you have Midnight
Commander installed you can use that to install .deb. Now before you
install, it shows what it's installing and where. For Example:


If you choose /content directory it will contain the /doc and /man paths
and the documents in them. You can the view the Readmes and such and
then save them to a dos floppy in a txt format and take them to work to
read!!!! That what I do. I have had a problem yet...


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