me wrote:
> On 16 Oct 1998, Rene Hojbjerg Larsen wrote:
> scsi: 0 hosts. 
> scsi: detected total.    [this is usual when it's working.]
> Partition check:
>  hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4 <hda5 hda6>
> [MS-DOS FS Ren 12, FAT 0, check=n, conv=b, uid=0, gid=0, umask=022, bmap]
> [me=0x52, cs=0, #f=81, fs=0, fl=48384, ds=52400, de=55699, data=55972,
> se=28213, ts=68224, ls=9471, rc=0, fc=4294967295]
> Transaction block size= 512
> Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:01
> [HANG]

Something is definately wrong here.  The kernel tries to use /dev/hda1 as
the root partition, which clearly won't work as it holds a FAT file

Do you use LILO to boot the kernel?  In that case it is not set up
correctly.  Try holding down <SHIFT> when the system boots--this should
produce a "boot:" prompt at which you can enter the label of the Linux
boot image you are using (press <TAB> to see the list of available images
to boot).  Enter at the prompt: "label_of_image root=/dev/hda3" (without
the quotes).  This should tell the kernel where to find the root
partition.  Assuming the system boots up correctly, edit /etc/lilo.conf to
reflect your setup (root=/dev/hda3, boot=/dev/hda), and re-run lilo. Now
your system should boot up normally the next time.
>> > Hmm. Why does it think I have 81 FATs on one partition?
>> It seems that the file system on /dev/hda1 is hosed :-(
> though i note that "81" appears in the output above (#f=81). wonder if
> there's a way to fix this at a low level. no, scratch that, it's probably
> a Bad Idea.
>> > yep, i figured so. but right now I can't even get a Win95 boot floppy to
>> > recognize my C drive (aka /dev/hda1). <sigh>
>> > Could fips help me with that problem?
>> Try removing the broken FAT partition with Linux fdisk.  Then boot with
>> the win95 boot floppy and run DOS fdisk to recreate the FAT
>> partition--make sure that you have a copy of fdisk.exe on the boot floppy!
>> It is also a good idea to have a Linux boot floppy handy, just in case...
> sounds drastic. how likely is it that i'll lose the data on /dev/hda1?
> (did i mention that during an ftp process, my backup got corrupted, and
> /dev/hda1 (used to?) contain my only other copy of those files? <sigh>)
> Talk about learning the hard way. I really need to corrupt that partition
> as little as possible. 

Tough luck.  At this point all bets are off.  Try posting the output of
"fdisk -l /dev/hda".  Perhaps something obvious will show up.

I just got a crazy idea.  Check if you have a file named /boot/boot.0301.
If that is the case there may still be hope.

Keep us posted.
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