> On Wed, Oct 14, 1998 at 11:34:16PM +0300, shaul wrote:
> > (1) Linux accept up to 128MB for a single swap partition (2) There is (was) 
> > a 
> > rule of thumb to have a swap size as twice as the RAM the machine has (3) 
> > Having more RAM reduces the needs for swap.
> ya konw, i'm a little confused. people say more RAM reduce the needs for swap
> while swap is recommended for double size of RAM ? yeah, newbia i am :-P

[01:30:15 shaul]$ grep -A18 "Your swap partition" /cdrom/install.txt 
          Your swap partition will be used to  provide virtual memory for
          the system and should be between 16 and  128 megabytes in size,
          depending on how  much disk space you  have and how  many large

          programs you want to run.   The old rule of thumb is  that swap
          should be  twice as big  as the amount  of physical memory  you
          have available.  Once  you get past the  32MB of RAM  mark, you
          shouldn't make your  swap partition more  than 1.5 bigger  than
          the amount of RAM.  Linux will not use more than  128 megabytes
          of swap  on a single  swap partition, so  there's no reason  to
          make your  swap partition  larger than that.  However, you  can
          make multiple swap partitions  by hand and edit  /etc/fstab af-
          ter you've installed  to get more  than 128 megabytes  of swap.
          A swap partition is strongly recommended, but  you can do with-

          out one  if you insist,  and if  your system  has more than  16
          megabytes of RAM. If you wish to do this,  please select the Do
          Without a Swap Partition item from the menu.

[01:30:27 shaul]$ 

> > Does all this make sense ?
> > Perhaps Debian should make a small survey among its users about the size of 
> > the swap size they are using ?
> i'm currently use 12M swap with 64M RAM, is it too few ?

Well, IMHO it is too small. 
I wonder, could you send what free reports when your machine runs your "usual" 

> i feel ugly when open *guash*, and xemacs and netscape opened very slowly. i
> only have 2G hd, and 750M among it is spared for win98 'cause i need its
> support for chinese stuff.

Will it get quicker if you'll create a swap file ?  
> --zhaoway
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