Many thanks to both Helge and Steve for their help with my "problem."  My
solution was simpler than I thought because of the suggestions they gave me.

Resized DOS. Expanded the swap. Reactivated OS/2 B.Mngr. with DOS fdisk
(cfdisk's rewrite of the partition table screwed up everything--only DOS's
fdisk from floppy saw two partitions being active and reset things).
Made and mounted the new e2fs over the swap, and copied over from the root all 
dirs. and files
after David's suggested reading of the Tips-HOWTO #2.6 (using tar). 
(Naturally I tried to move proc and several mounted partitions ... :)
Changing fstab (old vs. new swapped, keeping old for backup) and rebooting 
confirmed a working
system.  New swap now done .. up and running!

Concerning a few things--I couldn't simply use the expanded space--3
primaries and a logical partition prevented this.  Good suggestion, but too 
much work to redo all
my systems.  The above worked wonderfully well with 48 Mb RAM and an
original root partition which was maxed out at 100% usage (the tar/untar
worked with no problems).  Partition numbers did not change since I was
shrinking one, with another soaking it up.  OS/2's Boot Manager had no
problems with a new menu (I had troubles once in the past with that.  Now
don't know why.).

I am beginning to fully appreciate the Linux/Unix system of managing files and
partitions.  Such a move with OS/2, DOS, or WinDoze would have been a
nightmare with the drive path changes!

Thanks again!


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