On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 16, 1998 at 02:51:22PM +0200, Lukas Eppler wrote:
> > forms. You might try lynx and configure it with zgv as graphical viewer
> > (runs in the console, but is quick as hell). 
> Can you tell me how to configure lynx this way? I can't see anything in the
> lynx.cfg file that is relevant.

I must admit I don't know. The mime-support package installed zgv into a
display path, 'install-mime --list' gives an overview of the database. I
have zgv after xv, for all types (gif, jpg), but there's a test:

image/jpeg:  "JPEG Image" (view)
xv        /usr/bin/X11/xv %s                  test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
xanim     xanim %s                            test=test "$DISPLAY" !=""
zgv       /usr/bin/zgv %s                     test=expr `/usr/bin/tty` :
"/dev/tty[0-9]" >/dev/null

So, if libvga is set up correctly (so that zgv works without lynx) it
should already work... I did not configure anything on my own, I answered
only the questions at which priority i want to set zgv as a viewer when
installing zgv.

But, what I don't understand: It worked for me before upgrading to 2.0,
then I haven't used it for a while, now lynx seems to try starting an xv
from the console! Something is broken, I can't think of what it is at the
moment. Probably the test above fails. But it _was_ working.

Lukas Eppler (godot)
                                                  talk:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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