On Sat, 17 Oct 1998, Keith Beattie wrote:

> Liran Zvibel wrote:
> >
> > I would like to do some RTFMing about security, and would like to have
> > some pointers.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Liran.
> > ---
> > http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~liranz/
> > 
> Well, if you can understand everything the ssh man page has in it,
> then you'll have a much better understanding than most, I'm sure.
> I remember reading a very good paper on the design of kerberos.  It is
> written as a dialog between two people discussing the creation of a
> secure network. I really enjoyed reading it as the characters
> incrementally "discover" the fundamental problems of computer security
> and then solve them (of course, as kerberos solves them). Even if
> kerberos is not the security system you plan on using (or are
> interested in) it is a good introduction to the topic as it very
> effectively lists the challenges all security systems must overcome.
> The paper is on the web at MIT:
> http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/www/dialogue.html
> A more mathematical coverage is in the text book most CS students will
> recognize: "Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest
> (big white book with a red mobile on the cover).  It has a section
> (33.7) covering the RSA public-key cryptosystem which I believe ssh
> and pgp are fundamentally based on.  (The "R" in RSA stands for
> Rivest, one of the authors of the text.)  This section will require a
> little number theory but after reading it you'll understand why if
> anybody figures out how to factor large numbers quickly, the
> technological world as we know it will change.
> HTH,
> Keith
Thanks for the links, I have CLR (It is one of my most wornout books...),
and aware of the mathematical aspects  (and know some Number Theory...). 

What I'm looking is information about securing Linux systems. Some
practical advices.

Since we are a part of a university, we can't block connections from the
outer world, but we do want to keep our site secure. 

Till now we had only SunOS servers, and had no problems since no one tries
to crack those old machines....

We are going to buy a firewall, but I don't know whether it will be

Thanks a lot

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