On Sun, Oct 18, 1998 at 09:31:22AM -0700, Jesse Evans wrote:
> messages scroll down until it gets to "starting xdm", after which the display 
> starts blinking on and off at a rate of about once per second. It only 
> accepts keyboard input during the on cycle, which is very short, thus 
> rendering the thing essentially useless. The only way out seems to be via the 
> reset button.

Boot in a single mode (LILO boot: linux single).
Remount your root partition in a read-write mode.
(mount -o rw,remount /dev/your-root-partition).
Remove "start-xdm" line form /etc/X11/config.
Do "sync" and reboot.

Be happy with Linux.

Alexey Vyskubov

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