        From the info supplied, it seems you may have some yet Ill defined
incompatibility between, Linux and your ATAPI CD, since the CD does
work  under
Win95.  You can try reading another CDROM. just do assess whether
(unlikely) some problem with the Debian CD)
 This is only a slight difficulty so far as installation goes. I' ve had
to proceed as follows to install Debian in a minimal partition on a
Win95 dedicated company Laptop. Some of the following is just copied
form the standard Installation directions. Be sure to read them.

1) Make a LX (linux) folder in your WIN95 partition and copy the
following files from your CDROM:

2) resc1440.bin, drv1440.bin, base2_0.tgz, root.bin, linux, install.bat
      loadlin.exe, Rawrit2.exe, and the Packages file from hamm on the
Also  to make your mouse usefull fast also copy in:
gpm-.deb from  Section misc  , where  - herein indicates the version
        gpm  is  GeneralPurposeMouse 
libgpm1  from Section libs      which is needed by gpm.
Also at this stage I prepare for the powerfull file manager 
mc-Midnight Commander, which would additional require:
libcomerr-.deb, from Section Lib
libext2fs-.deb    "
libgpmg1-.deb    "
slang-.deb     Section oldlibs
mc-.deb   from Section utils

3) Use Rawrit2 to make the Rescue floppy

4) During the Installation starting from the rescue floppy,
specify when requested that /dev/hda1/lx  has the installation files 
During the kernel/modules configuration  
do specify the  vfat  module so you can read long file names within your
Win95 partition.   

5) When the base installation is done
you'll go through a reboot
some etc
and  dselect will be brought up.  
Record the  DSELECT command but QUIT from that menu.

6) Enter   script  Today.txt  
        to automatically record what you are doing in  Today.txt, 
          which is terminated by   exit    later
It's nice at this point to see things in color by
alias ls="ls --color"
or by editing your .bashrc   file   by   ae  .bashrc
followed  by a     source  .bashrc    to implement
Do an     ls  /    to see the colorization effect
7) Get the mouse working with
        mount /dev/hda1 -t vfat /mnt
      dpkg-i /mnt/lx/libgpmg-.deb
      dpkg-i /mnt/lx/gpm-.deb
Now you are enabled to Mark with left button  by hold&drag
and  Copy-onto with right button.
Thus later recording long file names and text blocks won't be a pain.

Do Alt-F2 and login as root to the 2nd console.
ae   to start an elementary  editor, into which you can copy needed
You get between console screens with Alt-F1, Alt-F2, Alt-F3 etc.
        I recommend that now you similarly install  mc
via   dpkg-i /mnt/lx/(the list for mc stuff above, one at a time).
With  mc  you can now start looking through your installation in
progress to see what is going.  dpkg and dselect use subdirectories of
/var/lib/dpkg to operate.
You can read therein, but DO NOT alter files.

8) See if you can run   pppconfig, 
pon  (provider on line by ppp)   after completing your ppp
and connect with your IP at this point.
You can monitor your  ppp attempts with    cat /var/log/ppp.log

9) At this point under   dselect
You can try doing the rest of the Installation from 
a) the cranky CDROM 
b) by FTP if your access time  isn't costly
or 10

10)  within  dselect
a) under ACCESS methods, specify   Mounted
   Specify that  the Packages file is in  /mnt/lx  
b) UPDATE  from the Packages file
c) within SELECT, there will already be indicated a large number of
files recommended to enrich your installation.  
write them down or Copy into your  open ae docment
        including the section they are in/
d) when done Save the ae file, say  needed.txt
and copy it   cp needed.txt /mnt/lx
QUIT dselect
e) reboot and  open Win95
f) copy needed files from the CDROM into C:\lx
g) reboot under linux
h) start  dselect    and install the files from the C:\lx.

The common hardest part of these options is getting used to  
which doesn't at all mind being aborted with Ctrl-C and restarted later.

>Ivan wrote:
> At 11:56 AM 18-10-98 +0100, you wrote:
> >
> >> I have recently purchased hamm on cd from dvd rent (Victoria, Australia)
> >> and tried MANY times to install
> >
> >You might want to try making a set of rescue floppies and booting from
> >those...
> >
> >Matthew

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