Hi Folks,

Does anyone know of a package that can take a "bitmapped" black-and-white
image and produce PostScript "outline" code which would draw the

Reason: I have an assortment of hieroglyhpic, cuneiform etc characters in
ancient scripts which I want to be able to use as scalable characters in
groff text. I can make images of these, for instance by scanning, as
bitmaps or similar. Given a PostScript graphic, I know how to use this in
groff as a "character" scaleable by the surrent point size. However,
the direct PostScript equivalent of a bitmap has a lot of bytes in it,
since it draws it dot by dot. If I took the time and trouble, I could
make individual PS equivalents by PS line or curve commands (which in any
case would scale snoothly) in far fewer bytes; but I would like to do this
in software.

Basically: given, e.g., the bit pattern

  0   0
 00   00
 00   00
  0   0

is there a program which would take this pattern and produce an
economical PostScript code which would operate by drawing two ellipses as
smooth curves and filling the space between them?

With thanks,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 19-Oct-98                                       Time: 17:52:38

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