
Thank you for the adduser suggestion: indeed root can start seyon.
I shall add myself to dialout.

There is another problem, however. This is the message:

Locating Modems...
>> Error: Could not get linux serial info: Invalid argument.
>> Warning: invalid default BPS value: 9600.
Modem `/dev/ttyI0'' is Available.

>> Error: /OFV/ Could not open the file Startup'.
>> Notice: Tried the default directory ~/.seyon'.
>> Notice: Tried the current directory.

The message about the directory ~/.seyon and the startup files is obvious:
I'll fix this when running seyon as a user.

The warning about the BPS value could be a consequence of the error about
"linux serial info" (whatever it is): when I try to select another BPS, in
fact, the error about the serial info comes up again.

Any idea? Thank you,

| Dr. Remo   |    __ _   Debian User      | Paul Scherrer Institute |   
|     Badii  |   / /(_)_ __  _   ___  __  | CH-5232 Villigen        |
| Nonlinear  |  / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /  | Switzerland             |
| Dynamics   | / /__| | | | | |_| |>  <   |                         |
| Stochastic | \____/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\  | badii "at"       |
| Processes  |                            |      |

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