| Hi. I'm new to the group and to Linux.

Hello, and welcome :-)

| I have installed Debian on my 486 laptop from Dos with files from
| ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/stable/main/disks-i386/current/
| and have found base2_0.tgz is missing the man executable file.

That is intended. We cannot fit very much on these disks, and since man
is not essential to start the system, it's not there. It is, however,
an important command, and one of the first ones a new user should get
and become familiar with.

To get man you must install the package man-db.

| Does anyone know of a package that includes these files?  I have noticed
| a lot of commands are missing which I believe should be in the basic
| install.

Yup, there are many hand command that aren't in the base system. It's
only a question of space. If you install all the required and important
packages you will have more commands to play with, and even more so with
all the standard packages.

| Also, my /proc directory is full  of zero byte files. When I
| ran cat kmsg from /proc/ I noticed that kmsg  is a zero byte file ( I do
| have ls -l and vdir)  and that there are many zero byte files in this
| directory. Is this normal?

It is. The proc dir is special, and it's files are generated on the fly.
Also, don't worry if /proc/kcore looks big. It's not really there.

The only way tcsh "rocks" is when the rocks are attached to its feet
in the deepest part of a very deep lake.             (Linus Torvalds)

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