On Thu, Oct 22, 1998 at 12:32:03PM -0700, Kenneth Scharf wrote:

> Pann McCuiag has a debian web page (i don't have the url in front of

see the sig below

> me, but search for "Our Man Pann".  He shows the /etc/apt/sources.list
> file as
> deb file:/cdrom/debian stable main
> But I don't think he was using the cheap bytes cd.  His page WAS for
> hamm (2.0).

No, but I was using a CD from Johnie Ingram ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) that I'm
sure was burned from the official CD image.

> He was NOT using apt under dselect.  He was using
> apt-get install packagenames
> to install individual packages.  I haven't tried this myself (yet). 
> Oh yeah you have to mount the cdrom first, besure to set the user flag
> in /etc/fstab.

Once apt is installed you can use the apt method in dselect, but I
recommend newbies avoid dselect like the plague. YMMV

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