On Thu, 22 Oct 1998, King Lee wrote:

 : Hello,
 : At our school our system administrator (who is very good) was
 : running Red Hat 5.1 and someone broke in and got root privileges.
 : Since he had written a Lan watch, we think we know how it happened.
 : The Lan Watch showed someone form Israel send a very long
 : packet to mountd.  Shortly after, two names were added to
 : the password file with user id 0.  We suspect that 
 : /etc was NFS mounted with write permission. Afterwards
 : there were logins from the two added names and rsh was changed.
 : Is Debian vulnerable?  Unfortunately, I haven't progressed
 : to the stage where I am comfortable looking at code.

This security hole, and the fix, were announced on debian-security a few
weeks ago.  I'll look for the announcement.

So yes, some systems are vulnerable, but there is a fix available.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
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