
This is further to my post last titled "THIRD TIME - please help".  I am
sorry but I haven't got a copy because I had to format my Win95 partition
and re-install.

No doubt you are all bored of this but I have tried all of the suggestions
given and still can't get Hamm to install from CD.

The problem as described previously is an IRQ timeout error (0xd0) which
occurs repeatedly when installing Hamm from CD.

I see from the archives that several other people have discussed this but I
didn't see a solution proposed.  Any ideas now ???

The disk is fine - Win95 reads it without a problem and with only the Hamm
base system installed I was able to copy from it to a directory in my Linux
partition until I ran out of room ( how did a 650Mb CD use up a 1.5Gb
partition BTW ? )

During the installation I can hear the drive constantly speed up then slow
down then speed up etc... when dselect is operating and then finally it
grinds to a halt and errors occur.

I have a P166mmx with a 2.5Gb h/d, 32Mb memory, 1.44Mb floppy and 24X speed
ATAPI CD-ROM.  The name of the CD-ROM is Diamond Data which I believe is
manufactured by Mitsubishi.

I have previously installed Hamm on the system by FTP which ran perfectly
and even played music CD's but please don't tell me to reinstall by FTP as
this takes me about two days to download because of work commitments and
ISP time restrictions.

The CD-ROM is supposed to be the official distribution which I purchased
from DVD Rent in Victoria, Australia.

If you need more info to help please ask.



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