How can libc5 version of X windows libraries be added to a Debian 2.0
system (which is based on libc6)?

I've upgrading to Debian 2.0 (from Debian 1.3) by installing Debian 2.0
from scratch on a new root partition, and setting up pieces individually
(e.g., PPP) to match my 1.3 system.

I found the libc5 and libg++27 libraries I needed to run several things
from my previous system.  However, I also need the libc5 versions of
X libraries.  I can get them, but don't know how make them co-exist on
the same system.

Are there any instructions anywhere for how to add libc5-based libraries
to libc6-based system?

(I remember that there were some upgrading instructions quite a while ago
regarding how to add libc6-based libraries to a libc5-based system, or maybe 
how to keep libc5-based libraries when upgrading to a libc6-based system.

Is there anything equivalent that applies to a fresh libc6-based installation?

Or might those instructions contain helpful information?  (And where would 
they be?)

(Yes, I plan on getting rid of the libc5-based stuff, but I want to finish
moving to my Debian 2.0-based system before I start upgrading other things.)



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