Happend to me too with communicator-pro-v406-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0-glibc2
I think it was when I had 2 netscape windows opened and netscape had the wrong 
impression that I am trying to copy something from one of them.

BTW: A search mechanism on the subject field would help us not to need to see 
the whole list before finding some relevant data.

> Hi,
> I have experienced problems with netscape freezing up when accessing
> debian's mailing list archives (debian-user, debian-development).
> This has happened intermittently with every netscape version I have
> used as far back as I can remember.  I have never known where the 
> problem really is (my setup, netscape, debian web server).  I just
> installed 4.5b2 from slink and finally decided to see if anyone
> else has the same problem.  
> What happens is that sometimes, clicking on the month tag (say Oct)
> starts to download and it gets only part way.  Netscape then displays
> that little clock like it is downloading but it never finishes.  It
> also never lets me do anything else.  Completely frozen.  I have to
> kill it and then remove the lock file by hand.  This occurs on multiple
> computers all running debian.  Anyone know why?
> Also, if I get the listings downloaded and read a particular entry,
> when I click on "back" it always reloads the whole list.  I have not
> disabled caching so I assume it has something to do with the way the
> list is setup on the server.  Is this normal?  The page for a whole
> month gets large quickly so it would be really nice to cache it
> during any given session.
> I would file a bug report if I could figure out that a bug exists and
> in which package.  It may well be my fault somehow.
> thanks,
> Stuart
> -- 
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