jim r said
> How do I clear the screen after logout? so...instead of walking up on 
> the remnants of the X server terminating and a login prompt, all that 
> shows on the screen is the login prompt... what script is it? 
Personally, I don't like the shell-specific solutions.  As system 
administer I like having this sort of configuration as simple as possible.
I equate this as meaning one or fewer places - if you implement the
bash_logout solutions then you'll have to implement the equivalent
solution for [t]csh, and what about zsh and rsh and ...

> For that matter, how can I change the login prompt itself?....both lines 
> (Debian GNU/Linux (name) ttyX and login: )?
Do it all in /etc/issue*.  (There are version's of getty that automatically
clear teh screen, but that doesn't address the changing the text, so you
still end-up editing/maintaining these files.)

I setup /etc/issue* like such:

lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root            9 Oct 27 22:45 issue -> issue.pnd
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     root           25 Apr 26  1998 issue.dpkg-orig
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     root         1403 Sep 15 00:02 issue.linux
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           11 Sep 28 23:19 issue.net -> issue.linux
-rw-rw-r--   1 root     root         2290 Oct 28 01:14 issue.pnd

Any editing can be done off-line and to change the file all I have to
do remove and recreate the appropriate sym-link.

I've played around a bit with various files, here's one that uses several
ANSI features including Characterset change, color, bold and blink attributes,
and most of the variables supported by getty: System Name(\s), OS Release
Number(\r), Machine Architecture(\m), OS vesion and Build Date(\v),
Nodename(\n), TTY Line Name(\l), Domainname(\o), Line's Baud Rate(\b),
Date(\d), Time(\t), Number of Users(\u).  (I ommitted \U...)

The ESCapes have been changed to '^['...

Copyright 1998 Charles A. Stickelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
This file is covered by version 2 (or any later version) of the GPL.
^[[H ^[[J ^[(U ^[[31;40;1m
^[[2;1H? ^[[2;80H?
^[[4;1H? ^[[4;80H?
^[[6;1H? ^[[6;40H? ^[[6;80H?
^[[7;1H? ^[[7;40H? ^[[7;80H?
^[[8;1H? ^[[8;40H? ^[[8;80H?
^[[9;1H? ^[[9;40H? ^[[9;80H?
^[[11;1H? ^[[11;40H? ^[[11;80H?
^[[12;1H? ^[[12;40H? ^[[12;80H?
^[[13;1H? ^[[13;40H? ^[[13;80H?
^[[14;1H? ^[[14;40H? ^[[14;80H?
^[[16;1H? ^[[16;80H?
^[[17;1H? ^[[17;80H?
^[[18;1H? ^[[18;80H?
^[[20;1H? ^[[20;40H? ^[[20;80H?
^[[21;1H? ^[[21;40H? ^[[21;80H?
^[[23;1H? ^[[23;40H? ^[[23;80H?
^[[2;30Hto ^[[36mDebian GNU/\s Release^[[37m: ^[[33m2.0^[[37m
^[[4;3HBrought to you by:
^[[6;3H^[[36mSoftware In The Public Interest^[[37m
^[[7;3HP.O. Box 70152
^[[8;3HPt. Richmond, CA 94807-0152 USA
^[[6;42H^[[36mFree Software Foundation^[[37m
^[[7;42H59 Temple Place - Suite 330
^[[8;42HBoston, MA 02111-1307 USA
^[[11;3H^[[36mOpen Software Developers Worldwide^[[37m
^[[12;3HThe world owes a giant "Thank You!"
^[[13;3Hto Linus Torvalds et. al. for their
^[[14;3HHUGE investment of time and energy!
^[[11;42H^[[36mPractical Network Design^[[37m
^[[12;42H9 Chambers Road
^[[13;42HMansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA
^[[16;3HSystem Information:
^[[17;3H^[[36m\s Kernel Version^[[37m:^[[33m \r^[[37m-^[[33m\m
^[[18;3H^[[36mBuild Info^[[37m:^[[33m \v
^[[20;3H^[[36mSystem Name^[[37m:^[[33m \n
^[[20;42H^[[36mTerminal^[[37m:^[[33m \l
^[[21;3H^[[36mDomain Name^[[37m:^[[33m \o
^[[21;42H^[[36mLine Speed^[[37m:^[[33m \b
^[[23;3H^[[36mDate/Time^[[37m:^[[33m \d \t
^[[23;42H^[[37m^[[36mCurrent Users^[[37m:^[[33m \u

It's been said that this is a bit over the top...too much late-night time
on my hands...maybe I should try sleep...nawwww...


Chuck Stickelman, Owner                 E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Practical Network Design                Voice:  +1-419-529-3841
9 Chambers Road                         FAX:    +1-419-529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA

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