Gregory Dickinson wrote:
> On a related note, I have something that is puzzling me regarding said DNS 
> server.  I have the IP
> address of the DNS in the /etc/resolv.conf files of two linux boxes (one 
> Debian, the other Red
> Hat) that are behind the firewall.  I can resolve host names using the DNS, 
> but if I try something
> like nslookup, the output looks something like this:
> mothra:~#nslookup
> *** Can't find server name for address Non-existant host/domain
> *** Default servers are not available
> mothra:~#
This error is because nslookup cannot find the domain name that belongs
to the IP address. I don't think that nslookup uses the /etc/hosts file.
It works completely off DNS, so you should check your reverse arp tables
for the DNS server.

Paul Miller

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