Hi there,

This is my first debian install.  I am installing from the "official"
debian CD set, version 1.3.1 (necessary for compatibility reasons).

I have read the dselect man page, /usr/doc/debian/FAQ, the online
debian installation guide (including the dselect first-time user's guide),
the help pages inside dselect, and the list archives via the web.  None of
these have answered my questions regarding the following. Can somebody
with a clue help me out?

1) I chose 'access method CD-ROM' and it properly found the 'main' and
'contrib' packages and binaries. Where do I find the 'local' packages?  It
says, "this directory is named 'local/binary' on the distribution site."
It does not seem to be available on the CD-ROM, and I couldn't find it
traversing ftp.debian.org.  Am I missing packages without it, and what is
a standard place to find it?

2) I've installed the distribution; everything seems to work.  Now
I've tried updating my system from libc5 to libc6 in order to install
mSQL. So far, dselect has required that I un-install libc5 in order to
install libc6.  Which it won't let happen because it would break a number
of packages.  Now what should I do?  Can I install both?  How?

3) I found an updated version of gpm, and tried downloading it from a
debian distribution site.  I like how lynx automatically started up
dselect (or dpkg?) when it recognized the package.  That was neat.  But
when I told it to try and install the package, it also wanted libc6.
Leaving a broken copy of gpm.  So I uninstalled gpm.  Now I have NO gpm
and no clear way to re-install the old version.  In dselect, can I
'downgrade' to the old version on the CD? 

Thanks for your help.


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