Where can I find the development tree for USB under Linux?

On Mon, 9 Nov 1998, Shaleh wrote:

> USB is not supported in Linux *YET*.  It is under development.  The new
> Macintoshes use USB as do new PC's, so expect the desire to go up.  And as
> desire for code increases, so does its chance of existing.
> On 09-Nov-98 Jeff Miller wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Can anyone tell me if my M$ USB Port mouse is going to work with Linux?  If
> > so, how straightforward is it?  I am about to install Linux on my main()
> > computer and want to be prepared as_much_as_possible.  The reason I even ask
> > is because I couldn't get it to work under the Boot to DOS option under
> > Windows98.  
> -- 
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