Hello All,

Reading these emails has reminded me of something strange about the registration
process.  When registering On-line I was prompted for my customer number and my 
The problem was I was not aware of having a customer number, so simply entered 
email address, then the key from the web page.

This allowed me to continue the On-line registration and successfully compelete 
Then I was given my customer number both by the document and then later by 

Does anyone else find this a little 'counter-intuative' or as we say in England 
'a bit
silly' !!!!


David Lutz wrote:

> Steve,
>   I am having the same problem registering StarOffice 5.0 that you
> explained.  When I try to do an online registration I get the HTML page
> and email with my Customer Number and Registration Key, but there is a
> failure.  When I try to enter the Customer Number and Registration Key by
> hand the Enable Key button is greyed out.  If you manage to get past this
> problem can forward on your solution.  Thanks.
> D.L.
> /  David Lutz  ---  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ---  http://www.pobox.com/~lutzd  \
> |  Those of you who think you know everything : KD6GNS   Portland, OR  |
> \  are annoying those of us who really do.    : '97 Toyota Tacoma SR5  /
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John Stevenson, Objective Alliance: www.oa.nl

"Objects are not a technology, they are a state of mind"

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