i am trying to get XF86Setup to work and have come across a whole series
or errors which have slowly been getting fixed.

the first was problems with kbd-data not being a current enough version
(it must be -8 for things to be in the correct place so the dependencies
must be updated).  then it requires twm (which has again been broken off
into a seperate package and the dependencies should be updated).  same
with xauth.

no i hit an error that i don't know how to fix:

"Not all of the xvidtune configuration files and/or the xvidtune program
are installed. The file /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/Xvidtune is

there doesn't seem to be a seperate xvidtune package (i believe this used
to be a part of xbase?).  where/how do i fix this?

i appreciate all the work people have been putting into the new release of
debian, but this new x package scheme doesn't seem to have been very well
planned.  i did an 'apt-get dist-upgrade' at just the wrong time
apparently and am still dealing with fallout (over a week later).  still
it's my own fault for mirroring unstable i guess, this was just the first
time i'd gotten bitten by anything significant.

any help would be much apprecited,

thanks, adam.

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