Well, I've wrestled with the ol' HP 520 for the last time.  The problem
was that it would not see where it was supposed to stop, or so it would
seem as it would slam itself against the stop whenever I would run a check
on it.  Anyway, I tried cleaning the little plastic strip as thoroughly as
possible, stuck it back on, and *wham* Nothng changed.  So, I've decided
it's time to get a good(low-priced) laser printer.  So, who has
recommendations?  I'd like to stay below 400, around 300 if possible.  It
should work well under Linux (obviously) and BeOS(if possible).  Quality
is important, but I am a poor college student begging my parents for a
Chrstmas gift, remember ;-)  So, any/all recommendations welcome.  Thanks!


Version: 3.1
GCS/CC/MC d- s+:+ a-- C++ US P L++ E W++ N- o? K? w O M- V- PS++ PE+ Y+
PGP- t+ 5 X+ R tv+ b++ DI+ D- G e+(++) h--- r++ z+     

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