Hi! I'm new to this list, but I've been using Debian (bo) for about eight 
months. I hope you can help me with a question I haven't been able to 

Can anyone point me to information about setting up a PCI modem card to 
work with PPP and/or SLIP? I've been trying to find information about 
this from the normal sources (howto's, faq's, ldp, etc.), but so far I 
haven't found anything to let me know even if I can use a PCI modem card 
with Linux. Does anyone have any experience with this, or know where I 
can find information?


| Shawn Harrison              | "One does not discover new lands    |
| Associate Editor            | without consenting to lose sight of |
| Tyndale House Publishers    | the shore for a very long time."    |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |                   --Andre Gide      |

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