nbrown wrote:
> i am trying to use apt and typing ... in pon......'apt-get' without the
> ' of course
> i get msgs about not being able to contact host. It seems to be looking
> on the web for debian and just is not able to connect can you tell me
> what is wrong?

I'm confused. Are you inserting 'apt-get' in the pon script?  Or are you
actually connected to the Net after starting pon? 
I do not recommend the former.  re the latter:
If you have a connection, you can use apt-get.  But apt-get requires
parameters and options.  Type apt-get without any at the prompt and you will
see what I mean.  Please do man apt-get.  Also man sources.list.

> I have a bone to pick with you .   There are a bunch of irc linux
> channels.. on of them Debian.net #debian.  most of these channels are
> not very active and no one is actually there even though thier nicks are
> there . 

Hum, perhaps everybody is busy doing stuff instead of using irc.
I really hope they are.  I would like to see gnu/Linux/debian to continue to

> If you get help sometimes it is great really patient people and
> quite helpful but most of the time you get ignored, or in the worst you
> receive impolite comments and even insults .  What is going on ?? you
> guys have something very good here and you wish to get it into the
> public in a much greater way than it is now.  However your public
> relations are terrible and so is support for dummies like me..
> I know ,   you are not responsible for the irc sites but i bet that most
> of you are there somewhere .  So i make that connection and so will
> others.. that is for your info..

You must realize that this system is free.  But nobody said anything about not
having to buy books.  I might be overstating, but I think everyone using Linux
has quite a library of books.  Start reading.
As far as impolite comments.  Don't mistake comments like RTFM (Read The Fine
Manuals) as impolite.
It is a steep learning curve, but it has to be climbed.


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