At 10:09 AM 11/20/98 -0600, Kent West wrote:
>At 07:50 AM 11/20/98 -0800, you wrote:
>>I have been able to get it working in VGA mode, but am still unsuccessful in
>>getting any more color depth.  How do I get to the information above what I
>>printed?  My screen blanks out and then I see the last screen.  Is there
>>some way to scroll up to see the error messages that happened before the
>>last screen?
>>Bret Craw
>>Maintenance Renewal

>Feel free to reply to me directly, but I suggest you also CC the
>debian-user list; I'm not nearly as experienced/knowledgeable as many of
>those folks.
>But to answer your question: I've found that you can generally do a
>Shift-PgUp to recall the last 2 or 3 screens of info. It's a really handy
>Now that you know you can get VGA mode working, you might try backing up
>your XF86Config file (just cp XF86Config XF86Config.bak in the /etc/X11
>directory) and then run XF86Setup, only this time go for the higher
>resolution and deeper color depth. I don't recall off-hand exactly where
>the color depth setting is, but it's either on the card setup page or the
>monitor setup page, perhaps under the Advanced Options (or whatever button
>it is). If you don't get usable results from this, you can always restore
>you original XF86Config file.

PS. Don't forget to check the Xserver file; I don't think the config
utilities change this for you.
>>> XServer - the first line should point to the server you want to run
>>> (XF86_SVGA or XF86_VGA16 or etc). So double-check that line.

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