I use Wine 0.0.980315-1 on my hamm system to run Forte's Agent newsreader,
which frequently crashes, locking up my X server.  When this happens, I go
back to a console and use the ps a command to identify the PID then kill
it, which usually returns my system to normal.

Just a little while ago it happened again, but when I typed ps a I did
not see the Wine/Agent PID even though Agent was still frozen in my
X screen.

I tried various arguments to ps in addition to a, but was unable to obtain
the PID and could not kill Wine/Agent, so I finally resorted to a reboot to
restore order.  I realize this act is sacrilege, forgive me and show me
the error of my ways.

Does anyone know why I was unable to list the PID?  And how do I kill
the X server when it locks up?

Thank you,
David Densmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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