Or, you could try kernel 2.1.129 which lets you use graphical modes for your
console. This can be slow, but it looks very good. And, you have the added
advantage of a penguin logo on top of your screen :-)
Check it out...
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus Brinkmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Matus fantomas Uhlar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; debian-user@lists.debian.org
Date: den 22 november 1998 17:52
Subject: SVGATextMode! (was Re: Console mode with >80x24 possible?

>On Thu, Nov 19, 1998 at 07:57:15AM +0100, Matus fantomas Uhlar wrote:
>> -> > Eric House ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
>> -> > > Can I rebuild the kernal to use my entire display?
>> -> > >
>> -> > > My hamm-equipped laptop has an 800x600 screen.  When in console
>> -> > > it uses only the middle of the screen for an 80x24 display -- even
>> -> > > though there's room on the screen for at least 120x32.
>> -> >
>> -> > try adding vga=extended or vga=ask to your boot-prompt
>> ->
>> -> I'd also suggest taking a look at 'SVGATextmode' and see if your video
>> -> card's chipset is supported.  If SVGATextmode can work on your system,
>> -> it will allow you to change textmodes without rebooting, i.e.,
>> -> you to switch from 80x25 to a custom mode and back.
>> Yes SVGATextmode is nice; but adding "vga=..." into lilo.conf is nice
>> for example I have "vga=0xf05" for having 30 lines on screen which is
>> nice for me.
>SVGATextMode has more advantages over vga= option:
>* You can choose from dozens of textmodes, for example 100x37 is nice here.
>  vga= only allows three (I think).
>* You can design your own text modes if you have special needs (for example
>  visually impaired can choose 40x20. Linux is just great.)
>* You can alter your vertical refresh in text mode!! This is the best
>  thing, because you can reduce the flickering. I am running 100x37 with a
>  refresh rate of 85 Hz.
>=> A big YES for SVGATextMode.
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>Marcus Brinkmann                   http://www.debian.org
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