Right on target Noah !

I downloaded 2.0.36 for kernel.org this morning and recompiled, what do you
know it boots perfectly now.

Well now to learn the intricies of dselect, an easy to understand intuative
package... not.


On Tue Nov 24, 1998 at 11:50:44AM -0500, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Nov 1998, Patrick Colbeck wrote:
> > Following up to my prevous mail is the lilo or mbr shipped with Debian 2 
> > faulty
> > ?  When trying to boot from hda3 (hda1 is win98, hda2 is swap) it just says
> > loading Linux .... the reboots. It never gets to vmlinuz. This is like what
> > happens when it cant find vmlinuz when you forget to run lilo. it boots fine
> > off the CD with "rescue root=/dev/hda3" and RedHat 5.1 works fine.
> I didn't see your original mail, so I might not have all the facts.
> However, your problem actually looks a lot like a kernel problem that
> shows up on some motherboards based on the Intel TX chipset.  If that's
> what you have, then you might need to try a more recent kernel, like
> 2.0.36.
> You should check the kernel mailing list archives for more details.  I
> remember this problem being discussed around the beginning of this year.
> noah

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