Hello Daniel Elenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

As a practical matter, your comments are valid, and from a pragmatic POV I
agree with them.


Conceptually, they are blatantly anglo-centric. After all, they'd make equal
sense for any other language, wouldn't they? Like this:

> I am equally confused. I would rather NOT have non-english on the list, if
> it is avoidable.

Mi estas egale konfuzita. Mi preferus NE havi ne-esperanton chi tie, se ghi

> Not that I have anything against other languages, but debian-user should be
> an open forum for discussion for all of its readers, and using non-english
> does not propagate that very well.

Mi havas nenion kontrau aliaj lingvoj, sed debian-user estu malferma diskutejo
por chiuj ghiaj legantoj, kaj uzo de ne-esperanto disvastighas malbone.

> Private discussions between a few list readers should be done with private
> email. Of course, if the people posting these non-english mails do not
> comprehend english, the case is different.

Privataj diskutoj inter kelkaj legantoj estu per privata poshto. Kompreneble,
se la skribintoj de jenaj afishoj ne komprenas Esperanton, jen alia okazo!

> But like I said, IMHO we should try to avoid it.

Sed kiel mi jam diris, lau mi, ni evitu ghin.

> Comments?



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