I am putting together a PPro machine to do some IPMasquerading on a DSL
line, using Hamm from some CDs that I have.

I have two LinkSys EtherFast 10/100 cards with LC82C169 chips on them. I
installed one to start off with, selected the Tulip module, and
continued along with the install.

For some reason, once the machine rebooted and the tulip module was up,
the card seems to be broadcasting (?) or something, and continues to do
so every few seconds.  I have a little 5 port 10Base hub (also from
LinkSys) that I've been using for a while, and the port that it is
plugged in to lights up furiously for a few seconds and the "collision"
light comes on, then it stops doing that and waits, and repeats.

I tried setting a module option to force a 10BaseT connection (I was
reading the tulip page at
http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/tulip.html and set options=0
and options=4, with no effect on 0 and continuous failures, without a
pause between them, with options=4) with no positive effect.

Has anyone used this type of card successfully?  Suggestions?

I chose this card since it was cheap... $30 each, and eventually that
10Bast hub will become a 100BaseT hub...

Thanks for any input

Dan Hugo

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