See comments below:

>     I am new to Linux & Debian, Also I am not a programmer. I have
> tried to install Debian 2.0 (Intel)from CD. I have Win98 on my 4.3GB
> hard drive so I cleared 2.4G and managed to create a 200Mg root
> partition dev/hda3, a 96MG ((is this much necessary? )swap partition
> dev/hda7 an a 2.1+GB linux partition dev/hda8 and have reached the
> "Configure Device Drivers" step; but I am unsure what settings to use.

The approach I took was to start simple. Don't try and get everything running 
in one hit. Just select the serial and parallel ports. It is better to work 
through hardware issues one-by-one. You don't want to be restarting the 
install again and again.

Did you start the install from CD-ROM?

>     Can you please let me know what I must do to get them to run in
> Linux?. Also at one attempted to install I left "Configure Device
> Drivers" blank, then when I reached the "list of access methods" in
> Dselect, when I chose cdrom it requested the "Block" I do not know
> what this is. I read the "Dselect documentation for beginners" but it
> has no mention of this. It does talk about mounting your CD could you
> explain what mounting is and how I can mount the CD drives mentioned
> above.

The exact block device depends upon your computer setup. There is no harm in 
trying a few different devices. What sort of disk controllers do you have 
installed? Is your CD-ROM SCSI or ATAPI. If it ATAPI, then there is a good 
chance that /dev/hdb is the block device to use.

If I recall correctly you are presented with a menu showing a choice of which 
device to select for the CD-ROM. I found the correct device by trial and error 
as I misunderstand how my pc was setup.

>    Finally can you recommend the best learning materials for learning
> how to use and get the most out of Linux ( remembering I am a beginner )

The install notes are very important. It pays to read through them very 
carefully before starting any install.

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