Why not use a counter ? When a package is installed it increments the
counters of the packages it depends on. Deleting a package also decrements
the counters of the others. If a counter gets zero it can safely be deleted.

>>      There is one other 'association' issue that is getting worse.  Imagine
>> selecting the gnome package suite.  When I did this recently, I ended up
>> with more than *30* packages being selected for gnome support.  Now
>> suppose the user wants to remove gnome to try out KDE, for example (lets
>> just assume they are mutually exclusive).  There is no reasonable way
>> for this user to figure out which installed packages were installed for
>> gnome.  I guess what I'm suggesting is that the packages need to
>> 'remember' *why* they were selected, by the user, or auto-selected
>> because of dependency requirements on a given package.  When the user
>> goes to delete gnome from his system, the other packages that were
>> installed only because of dependencies, can 'inform' the user, somehow,
>> that they are no longer needed.
>An option for showing only those packages that nothing depends on 
>could be useful.  Or a flag for every installed package showing if
>there is dependencies.  

Larry de Graaf

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