At 03:40 PM 12/2/1998 -0500, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:
>On Wed, 2 Dec 1998, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I'm having problems configuring the X server.  Instead of going into
>> detail and cluttering up the list could one of you Linux Gurus email me
>> to lend a hand.  Thanks a bunch.
>It is probably easier if you do clutter the list with the details.
>Configuring the X server could be quite different depending on what
>hardware you have.  If you post the details, then you're more likely to
>get useful help the first time.  I might be able to help you, but if
>you've got hardware that I'm completely unfamiliar with, then I probably
>In any case, you've got my attention, so send the details my way, and
>we'll see what we can do to get your X server working properly.

And the rest of us benefit from the problem/solution as it will be
available on the mail archives.

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