I have Pentium II, 512 Mb RAM, Linux debian 2.0,
kernel 2.0.36
I need quite big swap, so I created 7 swap partitions
hda3,hda5,...,hda10, as seen below:

/dev/hda1   *        1        1      420  3175168+   7  OS/2 HPFS
/dev/hda2          421      421      438   136080    6  DOS 16-bit >=32M
/dev/hda3          439      439      456   136080   82  Linux swap
/dev/hda4          457      457      556   756000    5  Extended
/dev/hda5          457      457      474   136048+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda6          475      475      492   136048+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda7          493      493      510   136048+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda8          511      511      528   136048+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda9          529      529      546   136048+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda10         547      547      556    75568+  82  Linux swap

When the system is loading it prints that the 7 (seven)
sawp partitions are activating, and that's mean that I have
860Mb of swap.

Unfortunately when the mathematica3.0 is running,
after using ("consuming") all RAM memory it can only 
use up to 460Mb of swap and then it prints message:
'out of memory' and exits the calculations
(stop running the calculation) but it does not crush,
the front end of it and its kernel can be used further.
It is normal ? How can be the total swap amount (860Mb) used?
Does anybody have some idea, where could be reason
for such behaviour of Mathematica, Linux and swap?
(fault in kernel, my configurations of Linux, in Mathematica,
in my hard disk swap?) 

Here are some additional information
$ free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        515772      57200     458572      32108       2444      32272
-/+ buffers/cache:      22484     493288
Swap:       860052       1300     858752

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options>  <dump> <pass>
/dev/hdc1 /  ext2 defaults,errors=remount-ro   0      1
/dev/hda3               none            swap    sw          0       0
/dev/hda5               none            swap    sw          0       0
/dev/hda6               none            swap    sw          0       0
/dev/hda7               none            swap    sw          0       0
/dev/hda8               none            swap    sw          0       0
/dev/hda9               none            swap    sw          0       0
/dev/hda10               none            swap    sw          0       0
proc                /proc           proc    defaults    0       0

I have tried to use kernel 2.1.126 but I could not compile
it although its configurations was  the same as
for the kernel 2.0.36 which was compiled successfully.

ps aux prints:
daemon     111  0.0  0.0   792     0  ?  SW   11:42   0:00 (portmap)
daemon     134  0.0  0.0   848    20  ?  S    11:42   0:00 (atd)
krupa      148  0.0  0.2  1964  1268   3 S    11:42   0:00 -bash
krupa      251  0.1  0.7  6100  3964   3 S    12:19   0:00 emacs swap1
math       146  0.0  0.1  1936   712   1 S    11:42   0:00 -bash
math       258  0.0  0.1   916   536   1 R    12:29   0:00 ps aux
root         1  0.1  0.0   768    96  ?  S    11:42   0:03 init
root         2  0.0  0.0     0     0  ?  SW   11:42   0:00 (kflushd)
root         3  0.4  0.0     0     0  ?  SW<  11:42   0:12 (kswapd)
root         4  0.0  0.0     0     0  ?  SW   11:42   0:00 (nfsiod)
root         5  0.0  0.0     0     0  ?  SW   11:42   0:00 (nfsiod)
root         6  0.0  0.0     0     0  ?  SW   11:42   0:00 (nfsiod)
root         7  0.0  0.0     0     0  ?  SW   11:42   0:00 (nfsiod)
root        16  0.0  0.0   732    28  ?  S    11:42   0:00 update
root        98  0.0  0.0   900   200  ?  S    11:42   0:00 /sbin/syslogd
root       100  0.0  0.0   912    72  ?  S    11:42   0:00 (klogd)
root       107  0.0  0.0   752    64  ?  S    11:42   0:00 /sbin/kerneld
root       113  0.0  0.0   868    16  ?  S    11:42   0:00 (inetd)
root       117  0.0  0.0   760   132  ?  S    11:42   
0:00 /usr/sbin/gpm -m /devroot       122  0.0  0.0   912    24  ?  S    
11:42   0:00 (lpd)
root       137  0.0  0.0   860   172  ?  S    11:42   0:00 /usr/sbin/cron
root       147  0.0  0.2  1948  1248   2 S    11:42   0:00 -bash
root       149  0.0  0.0   844    44   4 S    11:42   0:00 (getty)
root       150  0.0  0.0   844     8   5 S    11:42   0:00 (getty)
root       151  0.0  0.0   844    12   6 S    11:42   0:00 (getty)

Please send the answer to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
because the mailing list is too busy to me so I could miss the answer.

Thanks in advance,

Jan Krupa

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