On Wed, 2 Dec 1998, George Bonser wrote:

> I have noticed that Debian rolls unstable to frozen and then to stable in
> its release cycle. In order to more accurately reflect reality, I suggest
> that a fourth stage be created between unstable and frozen. I would call
> this "broken".  A release candidate would roll from unstable to broken and
> in this way, when someone tries to upgrade to it and it breaks their
> system, it will not be any great surprise ... "I just upgraded to broken
> and now my system is broken...oh, nevermind."

Witness a post of mine on Monday: "Upgraded to unstable, now unstable" ;-)

Sanjeev "Ghane" Gupta                   Tel: +91(11) 6941831, 6946619
Eurolink Systems Ltd                    Fax: +91(11) 6943732
New Delhi, India                      email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
          Eurolink doesn't pay me to speak for it, so I don't
           Old age is not an accomplishment, nor youth a sin

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