Eugene Sevinian writes:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to connect 2 Debian machine,
> via uucp. I  am not sure that I  will find answer in  this mailing list,
> however I will try to discribe the problem shortly. At the very initial
> stage of communication chat script is getting NO CARRIER and exit.
> At the same time I use this line by minicom without problem, so it
> seems that the phone line is ok. I think that sometihng is wrong with uucp
> configuration. Hope, there are  UUCP gury around here, who will help
> me to understand what is going on.
> Here is the debug info from client side:
> 54.54 1060) Calling system spyur (port ttyS2)
> 54.54 1060) DEBUG: fcsend: Writing "ATZ\r" sleep
> 55.56 1060) DEBUG: icexpect: Looking for 3 "OK\r"
> 55.56 1060) DEBUG: icexpect: Got "\r\nATZ\r\r\nOK\r" (found it)
> 55.56 1060) DEBUG: fcsend: Writing sleep "ATM0L0E1Q0\r" sleep
> 57.60 1060) DEBUG: icexpect: Looking for 3 "OK\r"
> 57.60 1060) DEBUG: icexpect: Got "\nATM0L0E1Q0\r\r\nOK\r" (found it)
> 57.60 1060) DEBUG: fcsend: Writing "ATDP" \D "562635\r"
> 57.60 1060) DEBUG: icexpect: Looking for 7 "CONNECT"
> 57.61 1060) DEBUG: icexpect: Got "\nATDP562635\r\r\nNO CARRIER"
> 50.95 1060) DEBUG: icexpect: Found 10 "NO CARRIER"
> 50.95 1060) ERROR: Chat script failed: Got "NO\sCARRIER"
> 50.95 1060) DEBUG: fconn_close: Closing connection
> 50.96 1060) DEBUG: fcsend: Writing sleep sleep "+++" sleep sleep "ATM0H\r"
> 59.03 1060) DEBUG: Call failed: 2 (Dial failed)
> 59.04 1087) DEBUG: usysdep_detach: Forked; old PID 1060, new pid 1087
> 59.04 1087) DEBUG: fsysdep_get_work_init: Found C.NVMzzTJAAAOl
> 59.04 1087) DEBUG: fconn_open: Opening port ACU (default speed)
> Thanks for any tips,

Sure thing - 1) turn off the command echo option of the modem. UUCP does not
like having the command echoed back. 2) assuming that your modem has 2
memories for parameter storage, use one of the memories for parameters for
UUCP, and one for ordinary connectivity. Use minicom to setup the UUCP memory
slot and adjust your script to load that memory into the modem's working
If you wish, you can Email me your configuration files (with the account &
password information blanked out). I also need to know if you are using Taylor
or HDB mode of operation. The configuration is different depending on which
you want to use.

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
@[EMAIL PROTECTED] Remove @_@ for correct Email address
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