On Tue, Dec 01, 1998 at 09:26:45PM -0400, wb2oyc wrote:
> >
> >Wouldn't it be nice if a configuration of all installed packages could be
> >saved in some data file that you could put on a disk and whenever you want
> >to install a new machine or go back to this good configuration you just
> >load the data-file into dselect or whatever program that gets/installs
> >packages. Some different default configs could also be shipped with
> >the dist to be used by new debian people.
> >
> >Maybe this is already possible? Tell me please!
> >
> SuSE Linux does precisely that using its YaST tool.

Yeah, and its evil:

1) It is limited.
2) It prevents configuration in the standard way (incompatible to manual

Debian is working on a better solution for this. Not ready yet, though.
You can export/import a list of selected packages though, as other people
already told you.


"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann                   http://www.debian.org    master.debian.org
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