after many obstacles I have running a Debian 2.0 installation. But without looking at the cryptic usage of dselect it's still a secret for me what installation is the best/correct/only one. On the CD-ROM are the directories:
1)    /debian/dists/frozen/hamm/disks-i386/...
2)    /debian/dists/frozen/main/disks-i386/...
3)    /debian/dists/hamm pointing to ../hamm
4)    /debian/hamm/hamm/disks-i386/...
I have choosen the number 2, because I don't have recognized any differences in the subdirectories. In the docs, on the Web-Site of Debian and in the Usenet-Groups I don't find an answer how the correct installation path should look like.
What's with these different directories?
Ciao, Georg

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