
Now I also want to write :)

Ship's Log, Lt. Jiri Baum, Stardate 041298.1122:
> > Usually, when you see a system with a bunch of mount points, it's because
> > there's more than one disk.  Using 4 2GB drives is better than one 8GB
> > drive because:
> And a couple of others:
>       3. cheaper
>       4. you can do RAID if you like

one more :
I have a 2 GB partition and it neets hours to be checked. I would not want to
wait for a 8GB partition.
Sure now I have to wait for the others to ...
But geuess how fast my 60MB / is ready in case of an emergency ...

Filesystem         1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/hdb1              63885   28642    31944     47%   /
/dev/hdb9             761184  142804   579045     20%   /var
/dev/hdb5            2270179 2102410    50415     98%   /usr
/dev/hdb6            1014784  481124   481221     50%   /usr/local
/dev/hdb7            1014784  423447   538898     44%   /home
/dev/hdb8            1014784   71737   890608      7%   /tmp
/dev/hda3             653192  566103    53347     91%   
/dev/hda1             307240  218896    88344     71%   /misc/d00F

*sigh* I guess I need a new HD ...
(oh yes, the last one is my win partition 300MB should be enough for everyone

Alexander N. Benner - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Christian - PHI-Student
WEB: http://www.nikodemus.home.pages.de/
IRC: Efnet Nikodemus #Hosanna, #Baptist, #Ixthys
## 82.64% of all statistics are made up !! ##

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