I posted this to the list not too long ago, and the only response was I
got was a message saying "That's what you get for running unstable
distributions." As stated in my original message, the problem began with
hamm. The reason I was trying the unstable distributions was to attempt to
clear up the problem. After seeing that it did not help, I went back to
hamm. This message is being sent on a hamm system, and, as you can see, it
contains an invalid timezone stamp. Any help would be appreciated.

On Mon, 30 Nov 1998, Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote:
> What's wrong with the Debian timezones? I never had any problems with bo
> (that I remember), but when I upgraded to hamm, then slink, and now
> potato, something's wrong with the timezone. I have my system set up so
> that the system time is GMT, but the local time is Central. /etc/timezone
> contains one line:
> The above looks correct, because I am in Central and we have Daylight
> Savings Time in the summer. And Central is 6 hours east of GMT, so it all
> looks good. *However*, on outgoing mail (such as this message), it says
> "-0600 (EST)". This is not correct. I am not in Eastern, and if I were,
> that would be -0500. I checked in /usr/doc/timezone, but it's just glibc
> info. Not very useful. I checked some of the headers on this list, and I
> am not the only one experiencing this problem. What's up?

| pretzelgod                 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |
| (Eric Gillespie, Jr.)      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |
| "Universal obedience is universal stagnation;             |
|  disobedience is one of the conditions of progress."      |
|  --Robert G. Ingersoll                                    |

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