On Sat, Dec 05, 1998 at 03:10:44AM +0200, Janne Lof wrote:
> Problem solved!
> I upgraded to following packages and the problem went away.
> libstdc++2.8_2.90.29-2.deb
> libstdc++2.9_2.91.60-1_i386.deb
> libstdc++2.9-dev_2.91.60-1_i386.deb
Does the 2.8_2.90 not conflict with the 2.9_2.
or can it coexistent and,
who and from where did You install the 
g++ compiler and the gcc compiler
assuming from `slink', than versions are
egcs-1.1.1 pre-release #3 ??
gcc version egcs-2.91.59
dated 19982411
ok ?
gcc (only needed for compiling kernels ?)
ok ?
I've just done this before reading Your email on list
my /usr/lib shows
libstdc++-libc6.0-1.a.2 -> libstdc++-2-libc6.0-1-2.9.0.a
libstdc++-libc6.0-1.so.2 -> libstdc++-2-libc6.0-1-2.9.0.so
libstdc++.so.2.7.2 -> libstdc++.so.
libstdc++.so.2.8 -> libstdc++.so.2.8.0
libstdc++.so.272 -> libstdc++.so.

Do I really need to hold the 2.8.x.x libs on hd or can 
I remove it.
I'm not sure, but I think there is no need for this, 
or need the gcc this libs during compiling kernel ?
I've just compiled some of my own programmings and the whole
QT-1.42 libs, examples included,
all very fine executables lightly smaller than with old egcs 1.1.rb

Do You hav any tip

excuse my english, hard stuff, I know ;)

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