  So how do I improve the browser speeds??

  Again, I have the exactly same set up in both redhat & debian. I must be
missing something here...

  I have three ISPs, the best ISP works well in bothe RH & debian. But the
other two only works ok in redhat, not debian. I believe they are using
relatively old technologies......

  Please help...


On 5 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Shao Zhang writes:
> > At a moment, I am trying to install some network packages to speed up the
> > connection. I have tried to install squid, mtr, apache and so on. I don't
> > know if they can help, but redhat has got all of these installed.
> None of these will change the speed of your ppp connection.
> > One other thing that I found is that It seemed that lynx's transfer rate
> > is much faster than netscape. That's why I had a go on installing the
> > package squid.
> I think you may be confusing the performance of your browser with the speed
> of your ppp connection.
> > Also, Redhat has got a RPM called caching-nameserver. Do we have one in
> > debian??
> Install bind and give the correct answers when you run bindconfig and you
> will get a caching-only nameserver.
> -- 
> John Hasler
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
> Dancing Horse Hill
> Elmwood, WI

Shao Zhang                             \\/
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Australia                            ////\\\
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   *  *  *            |      [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |
****  * *             |       http://shaoz.dyn.ml.org       |
*   *******           | http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~s2193893|
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