On Sun, Dec 06, 1998 at 11:46:46 -0500, Amanda Shuler wrote:

> Does anyone here know the particulars of installing and configuring the
> majordomo thing for Debian?
> I downloaded and did "dpkg -i majorodomo.deb" but I can't really figure
> out where to go from there.  There isn't really a very clear Debian
> specific README and I just don't know enough about it to get anywhere.
> What do I do after I've "dpkg -i majordomo.deb"?  How do I set it up so
> that it works?  How how how?
> I am sooo lost.
Hi Amanda. Basically you need to set up a few aliases in your
/etc/aliases. Than create a list by placing a file in
/var/lib/majordomo/lists and edit the configuration file which
is generated. Documentation along isn't all that bad.
If you need more specific details or examples, let me know.

Good luck.

  Erik van der Meulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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