I haven't been on this list long enough to know if this has strayed too
off-topic (since it isn't debian-specific) to include the cc: to the list,
I'm sure I'll hear about it if that's the case ;-)
   X windows (or X or X11 or X11R6, all names for the same thing) is the
displayserver that creates windows on a graphical screen. You can run it by
itself,but normally don't since there is no easy way to control the windows
you create.
   A window manager is usually started after X, it puts frames and titles on
the windows, allows you to easily move or resize them, and gives pop-up
for various functions.  The window manager is what gives the "look and feel"
to the display. Common window managers are mwm (Motif) and fvwm2. There is
an fvwm95 that gives the look of Microsoft Windows 95, and several others
as fvwm (the predecessor to fvwm2), olwm (with the old Sun OpenLook look),
   I believe the X HOWTO goes into most of these in pretty good detail and
may help you decide which ones you might want to try out.


--On Monday, December 07, 1998, 12:15 AM +1200 Alan Tam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         Thanks for your quick answer. I've never installed X windows. For
> now, I am going to install one.
>         What is the difference between window manager and X windows. Do I
> have to install X windows and then window manager or window manager means
> X windows ?

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