I'll second that.

I've got a large CTX monitor (2085) at home that I've had for several years, 
and I hate it.  Blurry, prone to wavering, severe screen curve.  Save your 
eyes, buy Sony or something you've looked at and liked in a shop.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth Scharf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Date: Monday, December 07, 1998 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: ctx monitors

>  From:
>        "Richard E. Hawkins Esq." 
>> I'm thinking of buying a CTX PL9 monitor (19", [EMAIL PROTECTED]), what
>> people's feelings towards ctx or this monitor in paticular? I'm a
>> on a budget and this will be my monitor for the next 4/5 years so I
>> wanted to make sure I was making a good decision before I bought one.
>In a word:  don't.
>The downstairs lab here used to have 48 apex machines with ctx 
>monitors.  Gues which component failed on half of them within the first 
>year or two :)
>Also, don't buy a monitor you haven't seen unless it's labeled sony or 
>apple.  Oh, and see the *exact* model; some manufacturors have two 
>different neearly identical models sith a couple of hundred dollars 
>difference in price.  With both on, you can tell them apart at a glance.
>I'd actually take a smaller monitor with better quality over the larger 
>monitor every time.  If you have to buy "cheap" to get the size you're 
>looking at, I'd go for the next size down
>As with everything else, if you ask for an opinion on a brand of
>hardware some people will complain how they got burned, and some will
>rave about how great it is.  The last computer I had here at work was
>a Dell with a CTX 17" monitor.  Had it for over two years and the
>monitor worked fine.  It even had better focus than the compaq 17" I'm
>looking at now (which is a much later model).  On the other hand the
>IS dept reports they returned a lot of monitors.  So I must have
>gotten a good one.  
>At home I now have a Digital Research 19" monitor that was bought when
>computer city went out of business.  There was also a $100 rebate on
>the monitor.  The store sample looked good (they had all the monitors
>hooked up to a dvd movie) but it turned out to be an older version of
>the same model (I got the newer version.  Difference was in the use of
>push button controls instead of a rotor knob to select functions.) 
>I've had the monitor for a few months now and would recommend it. 
>It's supposed to go upto 1600x1200, but I am running it at 1200x1024. 
>I would have used the 1????x8?? setting, but my video card only gives
>256 colors there.  The monitor knows all the standard settings and can
>setup 10 user defined settings.  Syncs from 50hz-160hz vert, and
>30khz-86khz hor.  I've seen better monitors, but not at the price
>($386 after rebate and discount).  My next monitor will be a 17" LCD
>when the price drops to around $500 (Yes it WILL!)
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