I've got

majordom:  root
majordomo: "/usr/lib/majordomo/wrapper majordomo"

in /etc/aliases on our server (Debian 2.0), so it looks like you've got the 
right path.  Do you have the majordom alias as well?

-----Original Message-----
From: Amanda Shuler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Debian User List <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Date: Monday, December 07, 1998 1:01 PM
Subject: Sendmail and majordomo

>Can someone tell me what the alias for majordomo should be for debian?
>I had it, and I've lost it.  :(
>I know it's in the form:
>majordomo: "|/path/to/majordomo/wrapper majordomo"
>I've put in:
>majordomo: "|/usr/lib/majordomo/wrapper majordomo" 
>but when mail is sent to majordomo it is returned with a user-unknown
>error.  Obviously, this is not the correct syntax.  What should be there?
>Amanda Shuler | I don't want to start any
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] | blasphemous rumours, but...
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