On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, Shao Zhang wrote:
>       Name:           Shao Zhang
>       Address:        Debian, org
>       Email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       Health:         Excellent
>       and so on....
>       Ok, so how do I write this in Latex?

You're fighting LaTeX by deciding on a layout in advance. This will be
painful. :-) (though you can do this in any of the environments discussed
so far, tabbing or tabular.) If you really want a particular layout,
StarOffice will prove easier; LaTeX is not made for this. 

Using latex, it is probably easier to either use some of the resume.sty
files floating around the net - don't ask me where to get them, but I have
seen them. 

For my resume, I made up some m4 macros, then implemented html and LaTeX
versions of them, and wrote the resume with the macros. This allowed me to
generate both print and HTML output.

I'll attach my (hacky and kind of lame) latex macros, perhaps they will
give you some ideas (ignore the m4 stuff, just extract the latex): 


m4_define(R_HEADER, `
\author{Havoc Pennington}

% So anti-LaTeX in spirit
\newcommand{\letterhead}[0]{\noindent \begin{minipage}{6.5in} \noindent
    {\bf Havoc Pennington }\smallskip
      {\small  5548 South Blackstone Avenue,\ Chicago, IL 60637 \\ 
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ \  (773) 324--3896\ \ \
        http://pobox.com/\~{}hp \\ }

% should be an environment, really.

% arguments are title, dates, location
\newcommand{\experience}[3]{\item {\bf #1}: {#2} \newline #3
  \smallskip \newline}

\newcommand{\ritem}[1]{\item #1}

% From the C++ FAQ
\def\CC{{C\nolinebreak[4]\hspace{-.05em}\raisebox{.5ex}{\tiny\bf ++}}}

% \def\CC{C\raise.22ex\hbox{{\footnotesize +}}\raise.22ex\hbox{\footnotesize +}}
% \def\CC{{C\hspace{-.05em}\raisebox{.4ex}{\tiny\bf ++}}}


' )

m4_define(R_BEGIN_SECTION, `\rsectionStart{$1} \begin{itemize}')
m4_define(R_END_SECTION, `\end{itemize} \rsectionEnd')

m4_define(R_ITEM, `\ritem{$1}')

m4_define(R_BOLD, `{\bf $1}')

m4_define(R_FOOTER, `\end{document}')

m4_dnl arguments are title, date, location, text
m4_define(R_EXPERIENCE, `\experience{$1}{$2}{$3} $4')

m4_define(R_LATEX, `\LaTeX')

m4_define(R_CC, `\CC\ ')

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