Hi Kent;

        I add these lines to the rc file at /etc/init.d
# I add the following for NumLock ON by default
    for tty in $INITTY
         setleds -D +num <$tty
# eof /etc/init.d/rc
Alan Tam

Kent West wrote:

> On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, KTB wrote:
> > #1.  Ok I'm not getting very far.  First of all I want to make sure I am
> > using the right disk.  I have Debian 2.0 official, both the Binary and
> > Source disks say the same thing when I boot them up and try to install
> > from cdrom.  Can you use either, or?
> I'm fairly new myself, so don't take my responses as gospel. I'm not sure
> if you can use the Source CD for an initial install; I think you want to
> use the Binary.
> > I went through the steps and
> > everything seemed to go ok until I tried to partion the drive.  I
> > followed the instructions in the book.  I select [New] and [Primary]
> > then I can't change the size of the partion, it lets me make a 6149.89
> > MB partion but then can't go on to make a swap partion.  The 6149.89 MB
> > is my whole HD so maybe that is why I can't make another.  At any rate I
> > noticed the numbers lock isn't on and the numbers just don't work.  I
> > entered [US] when choosing a keyboard.
> I haven't yet figured out how to get the numlock to default "On" (that's
> low priority for now). You can us the numbers above the qwerty keyboard,
> or just press the NumLock key to turn on numlock.
> I don't think I'd use one partition for the system, although the system
> doesn't really care. It's just that later you might find it more useful if
> you've "modularized" the system some. I'd probably allocate 200MB for the
> root, maybe 300 if you want to be generous. Then maybe 64 or 128MB for the
> swap (you can't use more than 128MB for a single swap partition, I
> believe, and I think 64 would be more than adequate). The rest of the
> drive I'd probably evenly divide into partitions for /usr, /tmp, /var, and
> /home. Others would probably say this is overkill.
> If you have [an] existing partition[s], you may need to delete them first
> to make room for the scheme mentioned above (or whatever scheme you decide
> on). Be aware that partitioning will clean your drive of any existing
> data.
> Then when you create a new partition, don't let it use the entire space.
> One of the questions that cfdisk (or fdisk) asks is how big you want the
> partition (it automatically puts in 6149.89M for you, assuming it should
> use all the available space. Erase this and type in the size you want
> (such as 200M). I believe you can specify the size in megabytes by typing
> a number followed by M, but I'm not sure of the exact syntax. I think the
> on-screen hints will indicate how to do that.
> Once you've got the partitions created, you'll need to choose the Write
> option to actually write the changes to disk.
> > #2.  While I'm at it.  I have a blank 6.4 gigabyte 2nd IDE HD that I am
> > trying to install Debian on.  Most of the literature I have read talks
> > about partioning in limited space.  I was thinking I could make the 1st
> > partion (root) 1000 MB and the swap 100 MB, I have 64 MB Ram.  Does this
> > sound reasonable?  Will that make the rest of the HD dead space?
> > Thanks,
> > Kent
> >
> I'm not sure what you're referring to, but again, a root partition of
> 1000MB seems awfully large.
> --
> Kent West
> KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
> Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
> "Life is an ongoing classroom." - Capt. James T. Kirk, "Dreadnought"
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