I believe this was intended for the list.

>Resent-Date: 9 Dec 1998 19:04:11 -0000
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>From: Ingmar Hartl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Newsgroups: muc.lists.debian.user
>Subject: Re: running dselect on 4 computers.
>Date: 9 Dec 1998 19:03:45 GMT
>Organization: [posted via] Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, Muenchen (Germany)
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>Ole J. Tetlie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>> | I heard that it's now possible to do installation of packages on
>> | several nodes
>> Have you considered 'dpkg --get-selections' and 'dpkg
>> --set-selections'?
>I have a similar problem: We use have at our institute about 10 
>nodes running with debian-linux. But some of them have a NFS mounted
>/usr directory with no write permission to this directory.
>Is there a easy way to syncronize package update? Till now I upgrade
>one "master" node and do the upgrade of the other nodes by "rdist". 
>But sometimes rdist doesn't update the files in the right sequence.
>Is there a solution?
>Ingmar Hartl  Institut fuer Medizinische Optik   Oettingenstr. 67,
>80538 Muenchen, Germany; Phone +49 89 2178-2943;Fax -2902; pgp key at
>PGP Key fingerprint = E9 89 D3 8C D9 B5 AA 15  A1 A4 37 B3 A4 6E DF 8D
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